Restore IP

Challenge: Restore IP Addresses

An IPv4 address consists of exactly four non-negative whole numbers, separated by single dots. Each number is between 0 and 255 (inclusive) and cannot have leading zeros, unless it is 0.

For example, the following are valid IPv4 addresses:


While the following are not:

  • a23.b25.1.194

A database containing IPv4 addresses has gotten out of order up by addresses losing their dots. Your job is to restore it. You'll write a generator restore-ip such that it takes a @t cord containing only numerical digits and returns a set of all the @t cords with dots inserted into the given digits to create a valid IPv4 address.

We also want to crash if the input given is clearly invalid. Your generator should crash in the following cases:

  • If the input contains any characters other than digits.
  • If the input length is greater than 12.

Example usage:

> +restore-ip '12345678'
{'' '' '' '' ''}
> +restore-ip '1234567890123456'
dojo: naked generator failure
> +restore-ip '111a'
dojo: naked generator failure


These solutions were submitted by the Urbit community as part of a competition in ~2024.3. They are made available under the MIT License and CC0. We ask you to acknowledge authorship should you utilize these elsewhere.

Solution #1

By ~nodsup-halnux. Clearly written, well-commented, and very Hoonish.

:: +restore-ip: An algorithm that takes a cord
:: of digits, and tries to generate valid ips.
:: If digit cord length is <4, returns ~
:: If digit cord length is >12, crashes (!!)
:: If non-numerics present, crashes (!!)
:: Otherwise, return a (set @t) of results.
:: Bar-ket (|^) buck arm.
:: $ arm has control flow and tests basic cases
:: before handing off input tape to the main
:: algorithm for finding IPs.
:: Returns a (set @t).
|= [tcord=@t]
^- (set @t)
:: We need a tape for our work. Convert.
=/ ttape (trip tcord)
:: We use length twice, so pin a variable.
=/ lentape (lent ttape)
:: Are all of our characters digits? If not, crash
?. =((lent (skip ttape is-digit)) 0) !!
:: Is our length less than 4? If so, return ~
?. (gte lentape 4)
`(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~)
:: Is our tape greater than 12? If so, crash.
?. ?!((gth lentape 12)) !!
:: Finally, lets call the algorithm.
(first-loop ttape)
:: This is a structure used for generating our IPs
:: in the algorithm below. An IPv4 consists of four
:: octets (8 bits), making a 32 bit address.
+$ octets $: o1=tape
:: ++is-digit: Checks to see if an inputed character
:: is a valid digit from 0-9. Used by the skip
:: gate as a negative filter, to check for
:: non-numeric characters in cord input.
:: Interestingly, our tapes are made up of @tD's,
:: but checking equality with an @t works.
:: Returns a loobean.
++ is-digit
|= [c=@t]
^- ?
:: Check if c is any numeric digit. Return true
:: If we find a digit.
?| =(c '0') =(c '1') =(c '2')
=(c '3') =(c '4') =(c '5')
=(c '6') =(c '7')
=(c '8') =(c '9')
:: ++range-ok: Small gate for seeing if our octet
:: from the octets structure is between 1 and 255
:: (inclusive). Note slav crashes if we have a
:: cord that starts with zero - this is guarded
:: against by the ++check-ip control flow.
:: Returns a loobean.
++ range-ok
|= [q=tape]
^- ?
=/ testnum (slav %ud (crip q))
&((gth testnum 0) (lth testnum 255))
:: ++check-ip: Given a octet from the octets struct
:: checks the following: If first character is a
:: zero AND length is 1, return %.y. Else, Check if
:: our characters are < 4 in length, and number they
:: represent is in range.
:: Returns a loobean
++ check-ip
|= [octet=tape]
^- ?
:: Prove octet not ~, expose i/t faces for use.
?~ octet !!
:: Is our first digit zero?
?: =('0' i.octet)
:: If it is, only a string of length 1 is valid
?: =((lent octet) 1)
:: Otherwise, return false.
::If it is not zero, then test length and range
?: &((lth (lent octet) 4) (range-ok octet))
:: Our length/range test failed, so return false.
:: ++build-ip: Given the octets structure, build a
:: valid IP. Assumes we checked our octet and all
:: tests passed.
:: Returns a cord.
++ build-ip
|= [ip=octets]
^- @t (crip "{o1.ip}.{o2.ip}.{o3.ip}.{o4.ip}")
:: General comments about loops below:
:: Splitting up the loops into three gates makes it
:: easier to read, with the drawback that our gate
:: inputs for loops 2 and 3 get a bit long and our
:: run-time might go up a bit. As our input cords
:: are no longer than 12 characters, computational
:: efficiency isn't a serious issue.
:: ++first-loop: First of three loops. Variable i is
:: set, which represents the dot separation between
:: our first and second octet, conceptually.
:: Calls second-loop, and then union merges the
:: results into the result1 variable.
:: Returns a (set @t).
++ first-loop
|= [iptape=tape]
^- (set @t)
:: Paramters for our trap.
=/ i 1
=/ len (lent iptape)
=/ result1 `(set @t)`~
^- (set @t)
:: Is i less than tape length?
?: (lth i len)
::If so, compute j, and call second-loop. Then
:: merge second loop results in to result1.
=/ j (add i 1)
%= $
result1 (~(uni in result1) (second-loop i j iptape))
i +(i)
::If i bound is hit, return result1.
:: ++second-loop: Structurally, this is the same
:: as first-loop. Takes i and j as input,
:: and sets up k for third-loop.
:: Returns a (set @t)
++ second-loop
|= [i=@ud j=@ud iptape=tape]
^- (set @t)
:: Paramters for our trap.
=/ result2 `(set @t)`~
=/ len (lent iptape)
^- (set @t)
:: Is j less than tape length?
?: (lth j len)
:: If so, compute k, and call third-loop. Then
:: merge third loop results in to result2.
=/ k (add j 1)
%= $
result2 (~(uni in result2) (third-loop i j k iptape))
j +(j)
::If j bound is hit, return result1.
:: ++third-loop: This is the main body of code for
:: generating IP addresses. It takes ijk and
:: finds octet, which are stored in the octets
:: structure. Validity checks (above) are called,
:: and if they pass, a valid IP is generated and
:: inserted into the results3 variable.
:: Returns a (set @t)
++ third-loop
|= [i=@ud j=@ud k=@ud iptape=tape]
^- (set @t)
:: Paramters for our trap.
=/ len (lent iptape)
=/ result3 `(set @t)`~
^- (set @t)
:: Is j less than tape length?
?: (lth k len)
:: If we do something different!
:: Pin gen-ip to sample, and insert each octet
:: into the octets structure. Use current ijk
:: to figure out our individual octets.
=/ gen-ip
^- octets
:^ o1=(limo (scag i iptape))
o2=(limo (slag i (scag j iptape)))
o3=(limo (slag j (scag k iptape)))
o4=(limo (slag k iptape))
:: Main checks on octet. Do they all pass?
?: ?& (check-ip o1.gen-ip)
(check-ip o2.gen-ip)
(check-ip o3.gen-ip)
(check-ip o4.gen-ip)
:: If they do, build a valid IP.
:: Place results in result3. Increase k.
%= $
result3 (~(put in result3) (build-ip gen-ip))
k +(k)
:: If they do not, lets increase k and
:: try the next IP.
%= $
k +(k)
:: k has hit bound, return result3.

Solution #2

By ~ramteb-tinmut. Another great solution, well written and commented.

:: restore-ip.hoon
:: A generator to parse valid IPv4 format addresses from an input cord
|= input=@t
:: Ensure output type
^- (set cord)
:: cord to tape
=/ input-tape (trip input)
:: Check for forbidden characters
?> (validate-input input-tape)
:: Return an empty set if the tape is less than minimum required to form a valid IP
?: (lth (lent input-tape) 4)
`(set cord)`~
:: Otherwise proceed to create a set of possible valid ips
(do-tape [input-tape "" 1 0 `(set cord)`~])
:: This is our core logic where the input tape is repeatedly parsed for combinations of IP octets, and the set of possible IPs is assembled
++ do-tape
|= [input-tape=tape found-ip=tape count=@ud found-octets=@ud ip-set=(set cord)]
:: 4 found octets mean we may have a vali IP, if the tape is exhausted
?: =(found-octets 4)
?: =(0 (lent input-tape))
(~(put in ip-set) (crip found-ip))
:: If we haven't got a full set of octets, and our remaining tape can't be split, we catch that here
?: |(=(count 4) (gth count (lent input-tape)))
:: Divide the tape in to a head & tail, based on current split count
=/ head (scag count input-tape)
=/ tail (slag count input-tape)
:: Check if the head is a valid octet, and weld it to our existing tape
?: (is-octet head)
=/ updated-ip (weld found-ip ?:((lth found-octets 3) (snoc head '.') head))
:: tisdot was the missing ingredient to get recursion on the remaining tape, and ensure all possible combinations are sought.
:: We're updating the value of the ip-set with the return value of an additional call to this do-tape arm; with the counter is reset, along with our updated-ip tape, which contains the new valid octet, and the current tail as our new input tape
=. ip-set
$(input-tape tail, found-ip updated-ip, count 1, found-octets +(found-octets), ip-set ip-set)
:: This new subject is then fed into another, inner recursive loop, with the count incremented until we either find a new octet or exhaust the string
$(count +(count))
:: If we didn't get a match, this is where we also feed back in on the outer loop with the split counter incremented
$(count +(count))
:: Takes a tape, and ensures it fulfils requirement for an IPv4 octet
++ is-octet
|= input=tape
:: If candidate is only 1 digit, then it's always valid:
?: =((lent input) 1)
:: If candidate starts with 0, then it must have length 1
?: &(=((head input) '0') (gth (lent input) 1))
:: Candidate as a number must be =< 255
?: (gth (rash (crip input) dem) 255)
:: Checks a input tape for illegal chars and length restrictions
++ validate-input
|= input=tape
=/ allowed "1234567890"
:: Ensure input =< 13
(lth (lent input) 13)
:: Ensure all elements are numbers:
(levy input |=(a=@ !=((find `(list @t)`~[a] allowed) ~)))

Unit Tests

Following a principle of test-driven development, the unit tests below allow us to check for expected behavior. To run the tests yourself, follow the instructions in the Unit Tests section.

/+ *test
/= restore-ip /gen/restore-ip
:: test for failures
++ test-01
%- expect-fail
|. (restore-ip 'a')
++ test-02
%- expect-fail
|. (restore-ip '1234567890123')
++ test-03
%- expect-fail
|. (restore-ip '111a1111')
++ test-04
%- expect-fail
|. (restore-ip '111111@1')
++ test-05
%- expect-fail
|. (restore-ip '11111111111^')
:: tests for success
++ test-06
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~)
!> (restore-ip '1')
++ test-07
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~)
!> (restore-ip '11')
++ test-08
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~)
!> (restore-ip '111')
++ test-09
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~[''])
!> (restore-ip '1111')
++ test-10
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '11111')
++ test-11
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '111111')
++ test-12
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '1111111')
++ test-13
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '11111111')
++ test-14
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '111111111')
++ test-15
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '1111111111')
++ test-16
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '11111111111')
++ test-17
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~[''])
!> (restore-ip '111111111111')
++ test-18
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' '' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '199991')
++ test-19
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' '' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '1999991')
++ test-20
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '19999991')
++ test-21
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~[''])
!> (restore-ip '199999991')
++ test-22
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~)
!> (restore-ip '1999999991')
++ test-23
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~[''])
!> (restore-ip '9876')
++ test-24
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '98765')
++ test-25
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '987654')
++ test-26
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '9876543')
++ test-27
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~[''])
!> (restore-ip '98765432')
++ test-28
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~)
!> (restore-ip '987654321')
++ test-29
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '112561')
++ test-30
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '1125611')
++ test-31
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' '' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '111256111')
++ test-32
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~)
!> (restore-ip '111256111111')
++ test-33
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~[''])
!> (restore-ip '100001')
++ test-34
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~[''])
!> (restore-ip '10001001')
++ test-35
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '100100100')
++ test-36
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '101010101')
++ test-37
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~)
!> (restore-ip '1010101010')
++ test-38
%+ expect-eq
!> `(set @t)`(silt `(list @t)`~['' '' '' '' '' ''])
!> (restore-ip '011111')