Using Bridge

Bridge is the application we built for interacting with Azimuth, the Urbit PKI, and managing your Urbit ID. Importantly, Bridge also allows you to generate a keyfile that you will need to boot your ship so that it can use the Arvo network.

This guide assumes that you have an Urbit ID, or that you have found someone to send an Urbit ID to your Ethereum address and are looking to claim it.

Hosted Bridge

To connect to Bridge, go to into your browser, and enter your identity's credentials in the appropriate fields. If you were invited to claim an Urbit ID, it's very likely that you received an email that would direct you to Bridge, and you can simply follow the hyperlink in that email.

You'll arrive at a page and see two major choices: ID and OS. OS is the only option that you're interested in right now; click on it. On the OS page, click the Download Arvo Keyfile button. Once you have downloaded the keyfile, you can exit Bridge and proceed to install the Urbit binary.

Local Bridge

Alternatively, Bridge can be run locally. It's more complicated, but we recommend this option for managing sufficiently valuable assets, such as several stars or more. To install local Bridge, navigate to the release page on GitHub. Download the .zip file of the latest version. After you download it, follow the instructions below.

To use Bridge:

  • Unzip the .zip file that you downloaded (bridge-$
  • Open up your command line interface (Terminal on X, Command Prompt on Windows).
  • Navigate to the bridge-$version directory, where $version is the appropriate version number.
  • Run this command: python3 -m http.server 5000 --bind

You can then use the Bridge app by navigating to http://localhost:5000 in your internet browser.

Log in

Once the program is running in your browser, go through the steps presented according to the type of wallet you have. You’ll be presented with a few login options. A notable option is Urbit Master Ticket. This is for those who used our Wallet Generator software. If you bought points from an Urbit sale and then used the Wallet Generator, your networking keys will be set for you. All other login options will require you to set your own networking keys.

Note: Bridge allows you to both make reads and writes to the Ethereum blockchain. Writing to the blockchain, such as changing your networking keys, will incur a transaction cost that will require you to have some ETH in the address you log in with.

Accept your transfer

If you were given points by Tlon you likely already fully own them. But if someone else sent you a point, then you will first need to use Bridge to accept that transfer.

After you access your Ethereum address, if a point was sent to that address, you'll come to a page that has an Incoming Transfers header, under which is a graphic. Click the Details -> link under that graphic.

Now you'll be on the management page of your point. The transfer isn't completed yet, so click Accept incoming transfer. If you are transferring to yourself and do not wish to factory reset, check the box labeled Retain proxies and key configuration, in case of transferring to self. Otherwise leave the box unchecked, ensuring that your ship will be factory reset upon transfer and thus no Azimuth data from the previous owner (namely proxies and networking keys) will be retained. Then press the Generate and Sign Transaction button, followed by the Send Transaction button.

If you already own a point, click on the Details -> under your sigil in the Your Points section.

Set your networking keys

If you just accepted a point, you'll be returned to your point screen. Notice that that links and buttons are now clickable. You now own this point!

Click the link that says Set network keys. The field presented in the resulting page expects a 32-byte hexadecimal string. If it's filled already, no action is required. If it is empty, you will need to generate such a string. You can generate this data any way you please, but in the terminal on MacOS or Linux, you can write

hexdump -n 32 -e '4/4 "%08X"' /dev/random

and use the result.

It should be noted that setting your network keys is an event on the Ethereum network and will therefore cost a trivial, but non-zero, amount of gas to complete.

Generate your keyfile

From the detail page associated with your point, click the Generate Arvo Keyfile link and you'll be taken to a page with a field titled Network seed. This field should already be filled in, and should match the hexadecimal string that you entered in the previous step. If it's not filled in or does not match, fill it in with the correct string. Click Generate ->, which will download a keyfile onto your machine.

With that keyfile in hand, you can now exit Bridge and continue to the guide to install the Urbit binary.

Escaping your sponsor

As a planet or star, it behooves you to be sponsored by an active star or galaxy, respectively. If your sponsor isn't suiting your needs, you can escape to a different one.


  • A little bit of ETH in your management proxy address to pay for the transaction.
  • The @p of the sponsor you want to escape to. You should negotiate the transfer with the sponsor ahead of time, as they will need to accept it on their end. If you cannot find one, contact Tlon at and we will assist you in escaping to one of our stars/galaxies.


  1. Login to Bridge with the management proxy address for the ship that will be escaping their sponsor. The ownership address will also do, as will the master ticket if you have that.
  2. Click on the "OS" button at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Below Network, you will find the @p of your current sponsor. Click "Change" to the right of that.
  4. Enter the @p of your new sponsor.
  5. Click the "Request" button and then complete the transaction.

This action will consume a small amount of ETH. Your sponsor will then need to accept you via a similar process in Bridge, which will require ETH on their end. After the transaction is completed on Ethereum, it will still take some time for the information to propagate to the Urbit network. After 30 minutes or so, you may check that your sponsor has successfully been altered by running (sein:title our now our) in dojo and confirming that the @p matches that of your new sponsor.

Once you change your sponsor, you will likely want to change your source of OTAs to them as well. To accomplish this, enter |ota ~sponsor %kids in dojo, where ~sponsor is the @p of your new sponsor.