
In this guide we'll write a pair of simple apps to demonstrate how Lick works. One will be a Gall agent called licker.hoon, and the other a Python script called

The Gall agent will create a socket through Lick and the Python script will connect to it. When the Gall agent is poked with a message of %ping, it'll send it through the socket to the Python script. The Python script will print ping!, then send a %pong message back through the socket to the Gall agent, which will print pong! to the Dojo.

First, we'll look at these two files.


Click to expand

/+ default-agent
+$ card card:agent:gall
^- agent:gall
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init
^- (quip card _this)
:_ this
[%pass /lick %arvo %l %spin /'licker.sock']~
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?> ?=([%noun %ping] [mark !<(@tas vase)])
:_ this
[%pass /spit %arvo %l %spit /'licker.sock' %noun %ping]~
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire sign=sign-arvo]
^- (quip card _this)
?. ?=([%lick %soak *] sign) (on-arvo:def +<)
?+ [mark noun]:sign (on-arvo:def +<)
[%connect ~] ((slog 'socket connected' ~) `this)
[%disconnect ~] ((slog 'socket disconnected' ~) `this)
[%error *] ((slog leaf+"socket {(trip ;;(@t noun.sign))}" ~) `this)
[%noun %pong] ((slog 'pong!' ~) `this)
++ on-save on-save:def
++ on-load on-load:def
++ on-watch on-watch:def
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-agent on-agent:def
++ on-fail on-fail:def

Our Gall agent is extremely simple and has no state. It only uses three agent arms: ++on-init, ++on-poke and ++on-arvo.


++ on-init
^- (quip card _this)
:_ this
[%pass /lick %arvo %l %spin /'licker.sock']~

All ++on-init does is pass Lick a %spin task to create a new licker.sock socket.


++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?> ?=([%noun %ping] [mark !<(@tas vase)])
:_ this
[%pass /spit %arvo %l %spit /'licker.sock' %noun %ping]~

When ++on-poke receives a poke with a mark of %noun and data of %ping, it passes Lick a %spit task with the same data. Lick will send it on through to our licker.sock socket for our Python script. This lets us poke our agent from the Dojo like:

> :licker %ping


++ on-arvo
|= [=wire sign=sign-arvo]
^- (quip card _this)
?. ?=([%lick %soak *] sign) (on-arvo:def +<)
?+ [mark noun]:sign (on-arvo:def +<)
[%connect ~] ((slog 'socket connected' ~) `this)
[%disconnect ~] ((slog 'socket disconnected' ~) `this)
[%error *] ((slog leaf+"socket {(trip ;;(@t noun.sign))}" ~) `this)
[%noun %pong] ((slog 'pong!' ~) `this)

++on-arvo expects a %soak gift from Lick. A %soak is primarily a message coming in from the socket, though connection status is also communicated in %soaks. The four cases we handle are:

  • %connect: An external process has connected to the socket.
  • %disconnect: An external process has disconnected from the socket.
  • %error: An error has occurred. The error message is a cord in the noun. The only time you'll get this is if you tried to %spit a message to the socket but there was nothing connected to it. In that case, the error message will be 'not connected'.
  • [%noun %pong]: This is the successful response we expect from the Python script.

In all cases we just ++slog a message to the terminal.

Click to expand

from noun import *
import socket
def cue_data(data):
x = cue(int.from_bytes(data[5:], 'little'))
mark = intbytes(x.head).decode()
noun = x.tail
return (mark,noun)
def jam_result(mark, msg):
mark = int.from_bytes(mark.encode(), 'little')
noun = int.from_bytes(msg.encode(), 'little')
return intbytes(jam(Cell(mark, noun)))
def make_output(jammed):
length = len(jammed).to_bytes(4, 'little')
version = (0).to_bytes(1, 'little')
return version+length+jammed
sock_path = '/home/user/zod/.urb/dev/licker/licker.sock'
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
while True:
data = sock.recv(1024)
mark, noun = cue_data(data)
except TimeoutError:
if (mark != 'noun'):
msg = intbytes(noun).decode()
if (msg != 'ping'):
jammed = jam_result('noun', 'pong')
output = make_output(jammed)

Our Python script is also quite simple. We'll walk through it piece by piece.

from noun import *
import socket

First, we import the socket library and

def cue_data(data):
x = cue(int.from_bytes(data[5:], 'little'))
mark = intbytes(x.head).decode()
noun = x.tail
return (mark,noun)

This function takes some data from the socket, decodes it, and returns a pair of the mark and noun. The data initially has the following format:

[1B: version][4B: size of jam in bytes][nB: jammed data]

The version is always 0 (though this may change in the future). The cue_data function just strips off the the version and size headers, but you may wish to verify these.

After that, cue_data converts the jam to an integer and passes it to the cue function in to decode. It converts the mark to a string, then returns it along with the raw noun.

def jam_result(mark, msg):
mark = int.from_bytes(mark.encode(), 'little')
noun = int.from_bytes(msg.encode(), 'little')
return intbytes(jam(Cell(mark, noun)))

This function takes a mark string and msg string, converts them to integers, forms a cell and jams them with the jam function in It's used to produce the jam when sending something back to the socket.

def make_output(jammed):
length = len(jammed).to_bytes(4, 'little')
version = (0).to_bytes(1, 'little')
return version+length+jammed

Once jam_result has been run, make_output calculates the length of the jam, sets the version number, and puts it all together so it can be sent off to the socket.

sock_path = '/home/user/piers/zod/.urb/dev/licker/licker.sock'
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

Here we specify the path to the socket and open the connection. Lick sockets live in:

<pier>/.urb/dev/<agent>/<socket name>

You'll need to change sock_path to your pier location.

while True:
data = sock.recv(1024)
mark, noun = cue_data(data)
except TimeoutError:
if (mark != 'noun'):
msg = intbytes(noun).decode()
if (msg != 'ping'):
jammed = jam_result('noun', 'pong')
output = make_output(jammed)

This is the main loop of our script. It listens for a message from the socket, calls cue_data to decode it, checks it's an expected ping, prints it, produces a pong in response and sends it back to the socket.


Create the folders for the project:

mkdir -p licker/{desk,client}
mkdir licker/desk/{app,lib,mar}

In the Dojo of a fakezod, mount the %base desk:

|mount %base

Copy across some dependencies (change the pier path if necessary):

cp -r zod/base/mar/{bill*,hoon*,kelvin*,mime*,noun*,txt*} licker/desk/mar/
cp -r zod/base/lib/{default-agent*,skeleton*} licker/desk/lib/

Add a desk.bill sys.kelvin files:

echo "[%zuse 411]" > licker/desk/sys.kelvin
echo "~[%licker]" > licker/desk/desk.bill

Open a licker.hoon app in an editor, paste in the licker.hoon code above, and save it:

nano licker/desk/app/licker.hoon

Open a file in an editor, paste in the code above, and save it:

nano licker/client/

Download the dependency from the urbit/tools repo:

wget -P licker/client

Install additional python dependencies bitstream, mmh3 and numpy:

NOTE: At the time of writing, bitstream doesn't build against python>3.10. If you have 3.11 or newer, you may need to install a separate python3.10 (how your distro packages it may vary).

python -m ensurepip
pip install bitstream mmh3 numpy

Create and mount the %licker desk in the Dojo:

|new-desk %licker
|mount %licker

Delete the existing files and copy in the new ones:

rm -r zod/licker/*
cp -r licker/desk/* zod/licker/

In the Dojo, commit the files and install the desk:

|commit %licker
|install our %licker

Try it out

First, run the Python script:

python licker/client/

You should see the following in the Dojo:

socket connected

Now, try poking the %licker agent with %ping:

:licker %ping

In the terminal running the Python script, you should see:


And in the Dojo, you should see the response:


Now try closing the Python script. You should see the following in the Dojo:

socket disconnected

If you try :licker %ping again, you'll see this error message:

socket not connected